
March 5, 2009

We got into the United States on Monday and were greeted with wide open highways where it all came together. We made excellent time from there stopping in Springfield, IL to see Aunt Sue (Dad’s oldest and wisest sister). We completed the 4,289 mile / 75 hours drive arriving into Wakefield, Ohio at 2145 (945) on Thursday night.

Dad isn’t one to stop except for gas so before we left Alaska I purchased a lot of caffeine drinks and made sandwiches to sustain us on our trip. The following is just what I kept track of: 15 ham sandwiches, 14 turkey sandwiches, 18 24oz Monsters (sugar free), 4 24oz Rock Stars (sugar free), 6 Red Bulls (sugar free), and numerous cups of coffee.

Thanks for all the emails and questions and following along on our little adventure. Here in a few hours Scarlett and I drive to TN for a baptism on Saturday and then were off to Nolan Lake in Kentucky to meet up with family at Gale (Dad’s youngest sister) and Steve’s Lake House. Scarlett and I should be back to Ohio on Sunday Night to visit with more family until the following Sunday when we will head back to “Mother” Rucker for the next 3 months. Keep this blogsite address and check it from time to time for updates.
The complete trip
Dad, Sally, and I

Sue's baby, "Bob"

Aunt Sue

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