
14 Jan 2010

For Starters, I'm sorry. Yolanda reminded me today on how long it's been since I've last updated my blogsite. Since my last post in December a few things have changed. For starters I'm now at over 215 hours in country, I'm on nights now flying NVG's (Night Vision Goggles), and I have more time on my hands to actually catch up on paperwork. Ofcoarse the big differences will be the lack in photo moments for all you back home. Things have been going well and were staying very busy at work. Today I was on NQRF (Night Quick Reaction Force) which pretty much means were on standby in case anything immediate comes up were we are required to be able to launch on short notice; in short it's a 14 hour day of waiting. I've been flying on average 4 -5 out of every 7 days so that's good with helping pass the time. Still doing the 14 days on and one day off schedule. As Yolanda wrote in her email today, I've definetly kept up on my vampire wars; which I do wake up and play and play before going to bed. Adicting little game I would'nt recommend to anyone; unless they are going to join my clan, lol.

Everyone seems to be in good spirits and pretty soon the company will begin taking leave in Feb so that's always nice; more flight time for me.....;-) Just joking honey.... I've asked for the latest possible time to go home and as of now looks to be sometime in September so that will be good.

Trying to think of anything else but nothing is really coming to mind. I haven't really decorated / upgraded my room since the beginning other than the massive TV scarlett sent me for Christmas, it's kind of funny. It's been getting pretty cold at night (around -2 to -10) so since I've gotten the TV for some reason if one or more turn on their heaters in their rooms it kicks the power off. Took me almost 20 minutes to find the circuit breaks. Everyone blames my TV which is totally bull but the timeing of it all does kind of add up.

Okay, it's 8:48 a.m., usually am in bed by 8:00. I hope this blog finds that all is well back in the real world. If anyone has any questions feel free to send them to my email and I'll try to answer. Take care and will write and add some pictures here soon. Make sure to keep me honest Yolanda :-)