
Day 2 Home - The Siding Job

Dad's new garage is pretty amazing with all then bells and whistles. However anytime it's windy you can hear the siding pounding on the garage from what seems to be miles away. Well this morning my intent was to fix it with a few screws and dad was willing to let me have at it. Well 5 minutes into the job he's added to what would have been a 5 minute job, with extras that actually took over a few hours. Needless to say, the job is done and all in all it was a good day. Mom took Scarlett out today and treated her to a facial that was won over 4 years ago on a weight loss bet between her and my sister Dawn. I took advantage of the time and road my motorcycle for 4 hours. Dad and I also went to the movies and watched, "The Watchmen". My advice, don't waste your time!
Dad and Scarlett
Mom and Dad's German Shepherd's; from left to right: Rocko & Max. You can always tell them apart by looking at their ears. Max has a floppy one.

I like to fly, but I don't like to stand 12 feet on a ladder with loose fresh dirt. Dad's garage, Dad's risk.

Scarlett is taking the pictures documenting everything

Day 1 Home - The Concrete Job

Well when I got here dad had planned to pour a little concrete to his new garage. All in all, wasn't so bad and time seemed to pass by pretty quickly. Alan, a friend of dad, was over to manage the project. If I was to choose the job to have it would definetly be the guy that sat in the concrete truck the whole time watching.
Strider sat and patiently watched everything as it unfolded.
Picture of me putting on the finishing touches with the float

The project at it's beginning

Dad helping the concrete go down the shoot

The beginning


March 7, 2009

Today we got to meet Scarlett’s Goddaughter and our best friends’ little girl, Evalyn Victoria Blake. We all had a surprising start to the day when Kris (Evalyn’s Mommy) had to take her to the doctor due to a rash. Come to find out she is lactose intolerant and needs to drink soy formula, thank god it wasn’t anything too serious! After a few frustrating hours for all of them, Nana went to the doctor too, everyone was back at home and we finally got to see her. Scarlett met them at the door and as soon as Kris got Evalyn out of her car seat she grabbed her only letting go when Nana took her. Evalyn looks so much like her daddy (Brian) and even had some of his mannerisms already. She is beautiful with slightly curly hair and deep blue eyes; she is calm and serene and has a smile that melts your heart.

At 3:00 we went to the church, the ceremony started at 3:30 and lasted about 40 minutes. The priest explained the roles of the parents and god parents, and everyone’s responsibilities in Evalyn’s life. He reconfirmed all of our baptisms as he baptized Evalyn and I think made us all very aware of how pure and perfect this little girl is. It was an incredible occasion to be a part of, everyone treated us like family and we know we now have that many more people to miss as we move around. After the ceremony we had a wonderful dinner and even got to chat with Evalyn’s Daddy on the internet which completed the evening perfectly.
Go Navy!
Evalyn... if you could read her thoughts right now she's saying, "Please Daddy, come home soon."

The eyes do not lie... Simply precious

We miss you Brian continued

Kris chatting with her hubby at the reception

Sarah chatting with brian at the reception

Sarah and her better half

Sarah scolding the kids

Nana and Evalyn

We miss you Brian con.

Kris opening more presents
Jude "Brians Brother" the only real picture of him smiling

Evalyn's aunt

Grandma Blake

The reception... The meal was very nice...

We miss you Brian cont.......

The Cake
From left to right: Brians Stepmother & Mother

Scarlett and Evalyn haveing quality time

Myself, Kris, and Scarlett and yes that is a pink shirt and pink tie, I was given no choice

The Jude family, Kris, and Evalyn

We miss you Brian cont......

From left to right: Brian's mother, Kris, Jamie
From left to right: Brain's Father, Kris, Stepmother

Kris & Godfather "Tony" what a great name, huh...

From left to right: Nanuse, Nana, and Kris

From left to right: Godmother "Scarlett", Kris, Godfather "Tony"

We miss you Brian cont......

From left to right: Godmother, Mother, Godfather
Nanuse video taping

Priest lighting Evalyn's candle from Gods candle

Priest placing the bib

The baptism

We miss you Brian cont.....

Evalyn and Mom...
The priest

The beginning of the baptism

From left to right: Grandpa Blake, Brians Sister "Sarah", her boyfriend, I believe "Nate"

Grandpa Blake

We miss you Brian cont....

Nana showing off the christening blanket
Kelly & Evalyn

Mom opening all the gifts

Mother & Godmother

Kris packing for the big occation

We miss you Brian cont...

Scarlett "Godmother" and Evalyn
Nanuse and the pre-feast

The beautiful mother, "Kris"

Evalyn; how could you ever be mad at this

The gardian of all gardian's, "Murphy"