

Shall I say more... Mr. Crabtrey heading out to one of the birds to begin his night mission.


Master Card Commercial

1 Building in the middle of nowhere (no door)

3 Platoon Sergeants bored out of there mind

Someone with a camera - priceless

Governor Sarah Palin

Once finished putting the aircraft back together from shipping them from Alaska to Kuwait. The unit arrived in Udari, a small post were we get prepared to go to Iraq. Mid way through the transition Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin stopped by to see how we were doing. Very nice person all in all and enjoyed her visit. Why does it always seem I’m the one taking the picture? So far while in country I’ve seen, Governor Palin, The Cowboys Cheerleaders, and Chuck Norris.


A Beautiful Monday Morning

This was a picture a soldier took right before our day flights began.

Flying American Flags

Last year I began flying American Flags. What happens on a typical flight is before the mission begins we take the picture of us holding the flag next to the aircrafts name. Once the picture is taken we hang the flag on the ceiling in the middle of the aircraft throughout the whole flight. After the mission, we fold the flag, I make a certificate with the picture taken, and the names of all the crew on the aircraft that took part in the flight. I wish that I could include more details on the mission and what actually took place but that's just not possible. I've always enjoy flying America Flags. Last tour I flew 52 and hope that this 15 months I'll fly even more. So far I'm up to 8 Flags Flown and will continue to fly them until I leave or am told not to. The personel in the picture from top left to right: Richard Savoy AMC/PC, Matthew Doubrava MO, Tony Graham PI, Middle- Maximillian Lavzinski OR , Robert Brazell CE, Bottom-Our Aircraft FE Brian Winsor

S6 & Commo Offfice

This is a picture of my office / cubby hole / pit. Here I have three IMO's (Information Management Officers / Commo Officers) that work here. The three that I have mentioned are usually the one's doing all the work since my primary job is to fly. We take care of all Computer needs as well as all Communication needs. (I.E: loading all aircraft radios, office radios, setting up all computers, managing computers, fixing computers, etc…) SGT Cruz is one of my night shift guys and is just getting ready to finish his day.


Ground Hog Day

Everyday we get together at 6 P.M. as a flight platoon and receive information on what will be happening for that day. Be it maintenance on an aircraft, aircraft issues, promotions, awards, so forth. Not much going on this day but thought it would be something to take a picture of.


My Room

A few pictures of the way my room is layed out. I've had to put my bed on 4 foot stilts and add a wooden desk under it with all the computer stuff needed to run my current internet set-up. My total space after splitting everything in half with my roomate is 7' by 9' all in all I'm looking at 4' by 7'. Really it isn't as bad as it seems, I have added a few new things to my area encluding a hand made books shelf. Glad that I went to that 3 week course in North Dakota as a Carpentar. I remember the day I returned from the course, I told dad I was 3rd in my class. Ofcoarse he had to ask me how many was in the course. I'll keep that between the both of us.