
Supporters and News

From left to right - SPC Ortiz, CW2 Graham, SPC Slaughter.

This deployment has been different from the last in many ways but the things that stands out the most is the support given to us from back home in the states. Carolyn, Ramona, Heather, Lisa, Yolanda and AG Edwards & Sons, Faye, Randy, and my wonderful wife Scarlett are just the ones off the top of my head. I thank you all for your continued support, cookies, care packages, emails, letters, cards, and cookies. Keep us in your prayers and I hope to meet you all someday soon.

The morale of the unit is very good as of late; a few days ago we were told that our date to leave TQ was decreased from October to August and are also trying to speed up the leave dates. I also was notified of my leave dates of mid April and possibly getting to go home a few days sooner if all else is possible; which makes me a very happy man.

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