
Hello All,

Another update from afar. A friend of mine was able to visit some friends at another FOB and brought back some pictures to share. We fly there often to help resupply them since they are so in the middle of knowwhere and solely depend on us for getting them food and supplies. If we don't fly then they slow back on their eating and drinking until we do get there again. Here below are a few pictures and I've attached some labels as well so that we can get alittle bit of perspective to what we really have good back home in the states.

I love and hope all is well back home and thank you for all your continued support. If you haven't heard anything from me please know that you are in my thoughts, I do have a list of things to complete, and you WILL hear from me either through email, letter, or calls.

Arms Room (safe/closet)
Master Bedroom

3 Star View

Five Star View

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