Hello All,
Hope this finds that everyone had a good Easter and all is well back in the real world. Things here in JAF have began heating up. I used to be able to walk to the aircraft without even thinking about sweating and now it's just not the case. Temps have been getting up to the mid 30 C (you do the math, I have to) everyday and it's expecting to get soooo much hotter.
(130-140's) from what we've been told from our replacements.
We have a great chain of command here which in most all cases keeps us in as much high spirits as we can get from being from family and friends. Some of our soldiers have already left and returned from leave and hit the missions running without a hitch. Steve Koritko (our MTP - Maintenance Test Pilot) is taking care of our aircraft (all four) as best he can with what little he has. SSG Longo (our SI - Standards Instructor) is now on days training up some of our new crewmembers preparing them to become our future CE/FE's and doing excellent work. As well as our other IP -Instructor Pilot "Tom Petty" (not the singer, little smaller, bigger temper) keeps all the night guys on par and up to date. I'll try to get all of their pictures sometime tomorrow while in work. We all (day and night crews) try to meet up at the same time every evening to get together and eat some grub; pass a few words of incouragement (to say least). Always looking forward to Fridays; no necessarly because every friday is steak and shrimp friday but because on this day it's easily known that another week from our families has passed and were one week closer to getting back home to them.
And.... Scarlett and I let the families know that were expecting our first sometime in the month of October and she's doing great (I'll start attaching pictures as well when I get them) and keep everyone updated in the progress. Officially were on the 12 week and for those doing the math; Yes it's mine, LOL.... We are both very excited and have began looking for room decoration once we find out the sex (should be when I'm home on leave first week of april) the painting process will begin.
Whelp all, better be getting back to bed, I have to wake up in a few more hours. I thank everyone for their continued support, letters, emails, and packages and look forward to seeing you when I come home. Keep checking from time to time and I promise to take as many pictures as I can and keep you updated as best I can. As always, if you have questions or concerns ask away tonysiraqemail@gmail.com and I'll try best I can to answer them and post them when I can.
Take care,

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