
Day 3-4

How to start things; Well, the intent was to drive from Fort Wainwright, Alaska to Wakefield, Ohio without driving any more that 600 miles a day ( 12 hours of driving ) and completing the drive in 9 days. Well as dad and I were getting closer to Edmonton, Canada I decided to call “My Love” and tell her about my day. What I intended to be a 2 minute phone call with nothing but good intentions became a long day. Long story short (the way dad and I understood) we needed to be in Wakefield by Friday morning supposed to Sunday evening. After the conversation I hung up the phone, a little perturbed, later to find out that dad had already adjusted the route in his head. We were supposed to stop in Edmonton ( 648 miles 11 hours and 24 minutes )but in actuality we just stopped our drive in Saint Joseph, MO ( 2,356 miles 1 day 13 hours and 48 minutes )
The drive: Dad and I went out to the car at Fort Nelson and look everything over and discovered that we needed to add some antifreeze and then we were on our way. Within a few minutes of the drive the roads were covered in a fresh layer of snow which didn’t bother me since dad was driving the first few hours. In the few days that dad and I have been driving we have found that we both are excellent drivers but are having hard times watching each other drive. Dad seems to be pedal to the medal at all times and I seem to be the cautious one since he already used our first life line in Canada with the Statey. Since being in the United States I consider the slate to be clean and my driving speeds have increased. My personal technique is to just pull my hat over my eyes and try to not watch the road while catching up on sleep while dad is driving. We started out changing out every two hours but later refined by now changing out at every fill up giving us both about 3 hours of driving or 290 miles per turn. Once we left Fort Nelson the roads were covered in snow but everything from there became pretty boring with not much sites to be seen and we didn’t see another animal until Montanna.
Tomorrow we are departing the hotel when we wake up to meet up with Dad’s sister and my aunt, “Sue” for lunch and then we will depart to Wakefield arriving in the late night.

The start of our day
But what a view

Roads were a solid sheet of ice

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