
Ice Fishing 2008

Well I can truthfully say that Scarlett and I have attempted to do everything Alaska has to offer and Ice fishing was last on our list. So to accomplish this small feat this is what we did. First you should know Scarlett and I have never done anything like this and of course we didn’t really put as much thought into it as we should have. We started with going to the military recreation center and picking up our gear on Wednesday, for our Saturday Ice Fishing Trip. These are the items we picked up: Key (I’ll mention more later) to the ice hut, bucket, 5 fishing poles, gas powered ice drill, and ice spoon totaling $65. Then we went to Wal-Mart and purchased our other needed items: bait, fire logs, hooks, weights, lighter, and fishing licenses totaling $65. Once Saturday came along we slept in, as usual to about 10 a.m. (hey it’s the weekend), watched some T.V., and then Scarlett started getting ready around 12. We left at 1 p.m. for our one hour drive to Birch Lake.

Striders ears started getting cold so what does any loving wife do (she takes my hat off and puts it on the dog)

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