
SPC Ortiz - Pinning of Crewmember Wings

SSG Rigdon pinning SPC Ortiz with his crewmember wings. This is a very special event for SPC Ortiz since he was selected from his primary MOS (Re-fueler) to be a Door Gunner for the CH-47D. Since the CH-47 can be crewed with only two pilots and one Flight Engineer during combat operations we are required to fly with Two Pilots, Flight Engineer, two crewmembers or one crewmember and one OR (Gunner). At all times during combat conditions we will have a crew of 5 minimum. Crewmembers of the CH-47 are MOS qualified to crew the CH-47 and upon completion of the school get pinned the crewmember wings. Upon our return to Alaska, SPC Ortiz will return back to his primary MOS however will be different among all his peers with the fact of his crew wings. Congratulations and great work SPC Ortiz!

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