This is a picture of one our crewmembers, SSG Longo, belive me the makes over the face is an improvement. No really, SSG Longo is our SI (Standarization Instructor) he's in charge of all our crewmembers in the flight. Basically the same as an IP but for the crewmember side of the house.

The guys put together this little soapbox for the IP's (Instructor Pilots) The PI in the instructions stand for Pilots. There are two IP's here right now, myself and Mr.. Petty. IP's are technical and tactical experts for the standardization program. As such, we are expected to train our soldiers at every level within the command and also responsible for the mentoring and professional education of all unit crewmembers. We assist our comander and are expected to provide our expertise on unit, individual, crew, and collective training when asked. Basically, we make
S@#$ happen....

This is what an LZ (Landing Zone) looks like from the pilots point of view. All the people you see on the bottom right side are waiting to get onboard.