
24 Feb 2010

Notice the size of the tank next to the truck...

Now notice how something so big looks so easy
A few pictures of pure beauty


21 Feb 2010

These little beauty's are always taking off this one has a hellfire mounted on the side.
This is litterally how close our aircraft are parked to the active runway

Have a few guys from the replacing a engine

21 Feb 2010 Cont...

Fill her up, oh it's about 1028 gallons for good old JP8 (gasoline-kerosene mix) $2,467.00 for about 2.5 hours of flight time.
A few cities we flew over today.


Here are a view of our landing pads


It's fixing to get ugly in about 4 seconds



Just a few pictures of our views


Ramp Gun, I'm sure he's thinking right now, "Man, I wish my job had a good view at least"
My Sister Ship for the day, UH-60 Blackhawk

Ramp Gunner with all pac's and gear in the back


Crewmembers have 78 inches to use and managed to spare 4
The power of Mail

It's much easier than it looks


My Office...
Only ZEH can make this GATOR look so good

My Mentor & My Commander

AFGHAN Wal Mart and you all wonder why we enjoy getting packages


Isn't it sooo cute....
Company First Sergeant Cobb

I think it will fit...

That's what she said... lol

15 Feb 2010

This is what it looks like in a chinook with bags
This is what it looks like in a chinook with bags and soldiers

On this trip around were flying 5 US Flags; three on top and two on the sides. Keep sending them and we'll keep flying them!


15 Feb 2010

SPC McQueen hooking us up and cleaning the windshields before our morning flight.
A few pictures of the chinook loaded with some bags.

Another view of the bags...

CW2 Stone, bored at work so spent a day making a costume and then walking around handing out valentines cards with candy. If you look close on the left side of the desk you can see the