

Jan, a friend of mine from college, asked if I would fly a flag from the Boy Scout troop that she sponsors. Here is the picture I’ll am placing on their certificate. I plan to send the flag to them before the end of the week!


Blog Entry

Our unit held a little Christmas party on Dec 27 during a maintenance stand down day. The event ran about 2-4 hours depending on how long you wanted to stick around and had games, raffles, food, and secret Santa. All in all I believe the moral of the company to be doing very well. Some have already gone and returned back from leave; not that I’m counting down or anything 13 weeks, 93 days, 2,253 hours, and 135,220 until it’s my turn to see my wife! I’ve been flying pretty steady since being over here with November being my high month with 51.8 hours. Hopefully the more people on leave equates to the more flight time for me! J The past few days the weather has been dropping below 32 degree’s so we have started to dawn our cold weather gear (coats, gloves, and boonies). Luckily we haven’t received any rain since being over here but we are in the rainy season and am not looking forward to that day at all. There are a few of us that do this blog thing for our family and friends back home. David Lyons I would to say is a good friend of mine and wouldn't mind me sharing his link to his blog for more added pictures and references please visit (http://david-onceagain.blogspot.com/) If anyone has suggestions/questions, please feel free to email me and if I’m able I will try to add it to the site or at least respond to the question. Until that time, I wish everyone a Happy New Year!


1SG Hull is presenting some gifts of appreciation to SGT Daniels and SFC McKean for all the personal time they gave in setting up the Christmas party and coordinating all the decorations.


Christmas Party

I wanted to send a warm thanks to all the people out there that donated the food, seasonal decorations, cards, drink mix, condiments, etc. The event couldn’t have happened without all your participation.

Christmas Party

Thanks to the artistic talents of SSG Reed and SFC McKeen's; soldiers were able to send home some fun pictures of themselves as elf’s on Santa’s lap next to a tree of Christmas gifts.

Grilling in Iraq

With the news of ribs being donated by the chow hall SFC Moore and SPC Flourney stepped up for the challenge of making the barbeque sauce, preparing the ribs, and cooking them.

Grilling in Iraq continued

Even though the ribs, hamburgers, hotdogs, sodas, and near bear were donated from the chow hall; having the grill going and just the atmosphere along with it brought back some good memories of home. This is a picture of SFC Kidd grilling them up for us.

New Addition

Picture of the Happy Father
Congratulations Richard and Jessica Long
Nikkoli Aaron Long was born 27 December 2007
at 10:23 P.M. Alaskan Standard Time
Weighing 9 lbs 15.8 Ounces and 20" Long


Merry Christmas

The "SurgarBear Family" sends their love and wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Christmas Season is Here

Last year Scarlett let me pick out the Christmas tree and the decorations. Well come to find out, who would have thought she doesn’t like a white tree and blue ornaments. Well to make a long story short, I now have a nice white Christmas tree in my office. These gentlemen all helped decorate the office with everything that has been sent to us.

Another Day

Another reason the Chinook is just an amazing aircraft. I don’t know how the crewmembers do it but you keep asking them if they have room and they always do.


Normally when I fly a mission I try to make it a habit to take my camera with me. Here is a pretty picture of the desert in all its beauty.