
The men in charge

SSG Murk and SGT Ham, our two mail room guys showing their thanks to Ramona for the Rock Stars she had sent. They were initially complaining about the weight of my boxes until I opened one and gave them each a can. Never have complained since!

Mail Room

This is a picture of the outside of our mail room.


FOB (Forward Operating Base)

This is one of the FOB’s we fly to often for re-supply missions. I really feel bad for them since they do not have any type of running water and it seems as if were always bringing them bottled water to drink. When I get care packages I try to save some of the good stuff and box it up for these guys & gals. The big square in the lower portion of the picture is where we land our aircrafts. We were inbound for landing then; can't tell me I'm not a multi-tasker!

Lemon Drop

There are only three things that can brighten my day. One - Talking to my wife Scarlett, Two – Flying, and Three – Driving this little car. SGT Griffin (one of my soldiers) and I have made it our goal to drive this car any chance we get. For some reason or another it’s the only car on our post and our unit has it; we call her the lemon drop. Yesterday the tank was on a quarter so we drove it to the refuel pit, 1 minute and 12 seconds & 6 Gallons later we were on our way; it’s the small things that brighten my day.